• isbn 9789639092945 download


    isbn 9789639092945 download

    Name: isbn 9789639092945 download
    Category: Downloads
    Published: fliccolphaneen1979
    Language: English
























    Ask your employer how they support your philanthropic actions! TRAVELING STORIES. We provide the money management skills kids need to be productive members of society. WE EMPOWER KIDS TO OUTSMART POVERTY. $20/month provides weekly reading support for a child in need! We empower kids to outsmart poverty by helping them to fall in love with reading. Once a doer, they keep accomplishing as they grow. Some employers match contributions! $20 funds reading support for 1 child for a month. MAKE YOUR IMPACT! Low-income children who cannot read proficiently by the 4th grade are 15X more likely to drop out of school. Give kids the chance to fall in love with reading by donating to Traveling Stories. 82% of disadvantaged children in the U.S. do not read at grade-level. WE ARE TRAVELING STORIES. *Statistics is provided by NAEP + Annie E. CaseyFoundation. Disadvantaged kids go from mere dreamers to doers. HOW YOUR DONATION HELPS! For each books read, kids earn Book Bucks which they can redeem for prizes.




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